The World of the Trombone Vol 2 – Brett Baker with Fenella Haworth- Head reviewed by Chris Thomas BBW 2010

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Brett Baker (trombone),

Fenella Haworth-Smith (piano)

The Black Dyke Trombone Team (Paul Woodward, Garry Reed and Adrian Hirst) Polyphonic QPRZ 027D

This is the second volume of Brett Baker's World of the Trombone and, as with the first, the soloist is ably accompanied by Fenella Haworth-Smith on piano.

The exceptions are to be found in Darrol Barry's fleeting Introit and Philip Sparke's Tokyo Tryptych, where Baker is joined by his sectional colleagues from Black Dyke, with Sparke's engaging and skilfully written portrait of the Japanese capital for trombone quartet being one of the highlights of the disc. Elsewhere the music is wideranging in its choice of classical arrangements and originals, with Baker's most impressive playing often to be heard in the lyrical pieces – Goff Richards' Saviour of My Heart and Howard Evans' arrangement of the touching Iona Boat Song being two that play well to Baker's silky smooth and full toned legato style. Of the major works, Edward Gregson's Concerto for Trombone is given a performance of poise and character, whilst Darrol Barry's appealing three-movement Phantasy demonstrates a more serious side to the composer's creative nature than we are often used to.

The most disappointing element of the disc rests in its presentation. Dated, bland and, at its worst, amateurish (the picture on the front cover is nothing short of awful), it's a basic prerequisite that needs to be improved upon in today's crowded brass CD market place.


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